Projects from PayPal

Project: 1

The Traffic Dashboard


Ensure single source of system records are in ServiceNow for Snow use cases. Develop the a generic restful API manager and service gateway to support the availability of the service. Data objects are cached and managed at the RestManSG Service Gateway and single source of truth ensured at Restful services

Design the RestManSG (Restful API management) to ensure CMS data and Snow data are in sync for SSOR flagged data.

Projects From PayPal

Data flow:

Here is a detail analysis of data flow for Server in both CMS and Snow.

In CMS, NodeServer is the main class to represent a server. In Snow, cmdb_ci_server is the main table representing a server. Here is a diagram to show how data flow goes in both directions.

Projects From PayPal

Digital wireframes:

This is the initial design i came up with after i got the requiremnets.


This is Asset management


In this project i have collect the requirements from different stake holders. Where i scheduled individual meeting with total five people and gathered requirements from each individual and understand those requirements, prioritizing those with them.

Finally came up with these design where it meets each most of their needs.

User can drill down the page to specific feature then they can see detail dashboard with brief information about the their assets

Project Overview:

The dashboard presents a 360 degree view of all PayPal assets. User can drill down the asset statistics using different dimensions such as BU, asset type, deployment environment, public cloud vs. onPrem, AZ, and data classes. The historical change can also be shown in trending charts with data stored in the PayPal big data platform.

Projects From PayPal

Paper work

I have done some paper work before doing mockup screens.


SSOR OnDemand Sync


We've had some success with the initial releases of SSOR(Single Source Of Records) to provide a solution for data synchronization between ServiceNow and Oracle/Hive. The initial versions of SSOR did resolve many urgent needs as a great temporary workaround. However, with the scope and requirements of SSOR rapidly increasing, many downsides of the initial design and setup have been exposed to us. For example, the lack of scalability, not user-friendly as a pure back-end project without front-end UI, hard to track task status and metrics, deployment with low efficiency, etc.

User pain points:

1. Hard to track task status and metrics

2.Wants to create the records

3.Wanted a simple navigation

Digital Wire-Frames

These are the wire-frames i have designed done after the discussion with the team.